To review what courses will be offered during upcoming terms:
Kepler College offers a wide range of courses for astrological study. Our certificate catalog below contains a comprehensive list of our courses. New courses are developed on timely topics expanding our course catalog.
Items to note:
- All courses are not offered every term.
- All courses at Kepler College are taught in English unless noted otherwise. Proficiency in English is required for all students. Practicums, Introduction to Counseling and Consulting Skills classes require live attendance.
Kepler College is committed to encouraging personal and intellectual growth in a democratic and cooperative setting and is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education. Read full non-discrimination policy
Courses available for registration.
Check out our store’s courses for the current and future terms.
View a list of upcoming workshops and webinars:

Natal Fundamentals
This Certificate requires 40 weeks of study. This series of classes provides a solid grounding in the symbolism of Western natal astrology. It covers how symbolism has evolved, how to synthesize and apply that knowledge to delineate a natal chart, and an awareness of the ethical issues involved.

Prediction Fundamentals
This Certificate requires 30 weeks of study. The Advanced Certificate requires an additional 10 weeks. The movement/predictive courses cover ancient to modern techniques of interpreting planetary cycles, emphasizing WHEN the natal chart is activated. Combining the WHAT with the WHEN is essential to successful astrological practice. Students will explore the advantages and disadvantages of the various forecasting techniques used in the range of astrology’s historical traditions to clarify the tradition that best serves their interpretive outlook and their client’s needs. In addition to weekly homework practice and discussion board participation, live chat sessions focus on interactive participation. Student presentations demonstrate learning.

Astrological Fundamentals: Chart Formation
Kepler College believes it is important that astrologers have a basic understanding of the astronomy underlying astrology and how the chart is calculated.

Counseling and Relationships
This Certificate requires 30 weeks of study. This certificate introduces astrological counseling as a profession and the ethical, psychological, and communication issues involved in becoming a successful interpreter and practitioner.

Professional Development
This Certificate requires 30 weeks of study. Learn strategies and skills for developing a successful astrology business. The Professional Development course are designed for astrologers at all levels of your practice. Whether you have been practising for years or just starting out, there is a special interest course for you.

UPDATE: Starting January 1, 2025, the AstroMapping Certificate requires 40 weeks of study.
If you started before January 2025, you still qualify for a basic Certificate (30 weeks) and an Extended Certificate (40 weeks).
Explore AstroMapping and Local Space techniques, the basic astronomical principles involved, interactions of mapping with natal and relocated chart interpretation, likely themes connected with planet-angle combos, interpreting potentials in locations, and understanding issues to consider in relocation or home planning.

Alternative Traditions
This Certificate requires 30 weeks of study. Expand the breadth of your knowledge in various astrological traditions outside of general modern practice.

Astrological Heritage
This Certificate requires 30 weeks of study. Obtain a holistic foundation in the heritage of the astrological tradition through the lens of history, philosophy, mythology and literature.

Astrology of Healing
This Certificate requires 40 weeks of study This module equips students with the techniques necessary for a thorough medical astrological consultation (within the bounds of their own medical knowledge, legal permissions, and personal competence) and to investigate medical events using astrology.

Symmetrical Astrology
Many of the fundamental principles of astrology are based on symmetry. Best known is the distribution of signs by element and quality, a scheme that is based on equal distances along the ecliptic and that produces perfect triangles and squares.

Courses offered by Kepler College that Qualify for KPDA or KAPDA Diplomas
Current course offerings at Kepler College. Kepler College offers an exciting line-up of classes with live instruction. All classes are recorded and you can access the course material for 3 years. A few pre-recorded classes are available that have mentors assigned with quizzes and final assignments that qualify for Certificate and Diploma credits.