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Kepler College

Guiding you through 5,000 years of astrology.

Voted Favorite Astrology School at the ISAR conference

Happening Now

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Engraving from 1661 by Andreas Cellarius, of world inside zodiac wheel. With glyphs, crisscrossing rays forming a star, angels holding banners with Latin inscriptions, portrait of Lee Lehman, Kepler College logo

Mundane Astrology

An introduction to the fundamental concepts of mundane astrology through, primarily, the ancient rules of mundane astrology. Learn how to anticipate future trends based upon comparison with past periods.

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Digital globe, glowing, overlaid on AstroMap of continents, with planetary lines, zodiac glyphs, geodetic longitude and latitude lines on globe, portrait of Ralph MacIntyre, Kepler College logo

Geodetics: Mapping the World

This course will demystify Geodetic mapping, giving you a more complete understanding of the astrological influence affecting any location. We will take you from where you are—helping you realize that your AstroMapping knowledge applies here, too—revealing the endless fun to be had exploring historical events, astrological transits, event timing, and the Sabian Symbols of your Location.

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Our Courses

Welcome! Click below and begin your Astrological journey at Kepler College. Our Courses Page is where you’ll learn more about our Diploma and Certificate Programs, as well as our workshops and free educational webinars.

About Kepler College

Kepler College is one of the longest-established schools of Astrology in the United States, founded in 1992 and named in honor of the 16th-century Astrologer, Astronomer, and Mathematician Johannes Kepler. Kepler College draws students worldwide seeking the best in quality Astrological education. Unlike astrology schools limited to one guru serving as the solo teacher, Kepler College offers a broader perspective. Our school includes many highly-qualified Astrological instructors, all passionate about guiding students through their educational journey.

In August 2022, Kepler was honored with the award of Favorite Astrology School, voted by a peer community of international astrologers, at the ISAR (International Society of Astrological Research) conference in Westminster, Colorado. 

Kepler College is a registered 501(c)(3) with a dual governance system, allowing us to meet the needs of our students while maintaining a vibrant and flourishing learning community. The leadership of Kepler College consists of a Board of Directors and an Administration Council, and a group of instructors who are experienced, professional Astrologers.

Kepler College Logo

What Our Students Have to Say

Kepler Spotlight

Portrait of Lee Lehman

Lee has a Ph.D. from Rutgers University. She has written eleven books, on horary, electional, mundane, medical, and solar returns. She taught every year during Kepler College’s academic period, where she was Academic Dean. She is the Principal of the Medical Program at the School of Traditional Astrology. Lee has received the Marc Edmund Jones Award, the Regulus Award, and, most recently, the Charles Harvey Award for Exceptional Service to Astrology. She teaches the upcoming Kepler College Winter Term course RA301: Mundane Astrology

Chart your Course in Astrology today.