Diploma Programs

What is a Kepler College diploma?

The diploma program is designed to provide a solid and grounded basis to build your astrological skills. The program includes a broad overview of the history of Astrology and it’s controversies, the links between Astrology, Astronomy, and their related fields, as well as the various and diverse practices of Astrology through the ages.

Why should I consider a Kepler College diploma?

If you are a student of Astrology seeking to anchor your knowledge in a comprehensive series of courses to grow your practical skills and gain a broader understanding of the history of Astrological philosophies and how they lead to different types of practice, the diploma program at Kepler College is for you. We are one of the longest-established colleges of Astrology in the US and have helped thousands of students chart their own paths. 

How long will it take to complete the diploma program?

A student should plan on approximately 3-4 years, assuming one class per term, to complete the rigorous series of courses at Kepler College. 

 ISAR and NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) allow students who have completed the diploma program at Kepler College to sit for professional-level exams without requiring those students to complete previous exams. Kepler College recognizes successful diploma program students with their Professional Diploma in Astrology (KPDA).

The Kepler Professional Diploma in Astrology (KPDA)

  • The Kepler Professional Diploma in Astrology (KPDA) offered by Kepler College requires students to complete one hundred and thirty (130) weeks of instruction
  • All courses at Kepler College are taught in English unless noted otherwise. Proficiency in English is required for all students.

  • Practicums require live attendance.

Forty (40) weeks of this instruction focus on the Fundamentals of Natal Astrology (Four 10-week courses) and Predictive Techniques (Six 5-week courses).

Required courses:

  • Fundamentals I, Introduction to Astrology: RN101 
  • Fundamentals II, Interpretation Essentials: RN102
  • Fundamentals III, Beyond the Basics: RN103
  • Fundamentals IV, Practicum – Chart Synthesis: RN104
  • Transits: RP201
  • Progressions and Solar Arcs: RP202
  • Solar Returns: RP204
  • One Of (These classes require live attendance):
    • Prediction Practicum – The Art of Forecasting: RP220
    • Rectification Practicum – Applied Rectification: RP301
  • Two Additional Courses in Predictive Astrology
  • Chart Calculation: R110
  • One Of:
    • Astronomy for Astrologers (Instructor lead): R115
    • Astronomy for Astrologers (Self Study): R111
  • One Of (These classes require live attendance):
    • Introduction to Counselling Issues in Astrology: RC210 (10-weeks)
    • Consulting Skills: RC211 (10-weeks)
  • Astrological Heritage – Self Study: RH114
    • OR  Two of:
      • Astrological Heritage: Babylonian to Hellenistic: RH115
      • Astrological Heritage: Renaissance to Modern: RH116
      • Astrological Heritage: Enlightenment to Modern: RH117
  • 20 weeks of Electives
  • A final demonstration of learning is required. See below for details

Students can apply to transfer credits from classes taken at other institutions. The following information is required. For further details see the section below ‘External Courses…’

  • Name of course and length of study
  • Name of institution where the study was completed
  • Proof of successful completion

Send information to registrar@keplercollege.org.

For additional information, forward your questions to registrar@keplercollege.org

The Kepler Advanced Professional Diploma in Astrology (KAPDA)

The Kepler Advanced Professional Diploma in Astrology (KAPDA) through Kepler College gives students the opportunity to further develop their knowledge of Astrology by completing an additional 60 weeks of study plus a demonstration of professional growth. 

Kepler Advanced Professional Diploma in Astrology (KAPDA) will progress your skill level in three ways: 

  • Expand your knowledge of the development of Astrology
  • Advance your Astrological skills to a more professional level
  • Provide an opportunity to demonstrate your elevated knowledge


Required prerequisite: To enroll in the KADPA at Kepler College, you must first successfully complete your Kepler Professional Diploma in Astrology (KPDA – 130 weeks of instruction) OR show a demonstration of equivalent knowledge AND gain the permission of the Kepler College Administration Department. For additional information contact registrar@keplercollege.org.

KAPDA requirements: Sixty (60) weeks of additional coursework, which can consist of a mix of ten or five-week courses. 

  • 5 weeks – Applied Rectification Practicum: RP301 OR Practicum: Applied Forecasting in the Client Session: RP220
  • 20 weeks of additional application techniques from the list below:
    • Research in Astrology (5 weeks): RA118
    • Essential Dignities & Debilities (5-weeks): RA201
    • Horary Astrology (5 weeks): RA202
    • Mundane Astrology (5 weeks): RA301
  • 5 weeks of Professional Development from the list below:
    • Marketing your Astrology Practice: PD101
    • Web Design and Content Writing: PD102
    • Creating a YouTube Channel: PD103
    • How to Shine as a Sun Sign Columnist: PD205
    • Vocational Astrology: E201
    • Fundamentals of Life Coaching for Astrologers PD301
    • Fundamentals of Life Coaching: The Business of the Business PD302
    • Writing for Publications: PD303
    • Astropreneurship: PD304
    • Toastmasters Pathway completed (external)
  • 30 additional weeks of concentrated study from one of the following certificates:
    • Counselling and Relationships
    • Professional Development
    • Astro Mapping
    • Alternative Traditions
    • Astrological Heritage
    • Medical Astrology
  • Final Demonstration of Knowledge is required. See the details below


Final Demonstration of Equivalent Knowledge

A Final Demonstration of Equivalent Knowledge is required to complete the Kepler Professional Diploma (KPDA) and Kepler Advanced Professional Diploma (KAPDA) at Kepler College. This demonstration must be pre-approved by the Kepler College Education Director.

Guidelines for final paper or presentation: 

Written Research paper (3000 words)

You may choose a topic that you are interested in that relates to astrology.

The basic layout of this type of paper is as follows:

  • A Title in the form of a question (e.g. “What is the History of Midpoints?” or “What is the Spanish Influence on Astrology?” or “Who Were the Main Astrologers of the 20th Century in England and What is Their Legacy?”)
  • An introduction which includes the expected outcome of your research
  • A literary review of the resources (books/articles) you have used to explore your topic
  • A Methodology of how you will conduct your research/ how will you set out to prove/disprove your expectations. You may of course choose literature alone as a basis for your research
  • Your conclusion: What were the outcomes of your research?

A few literary guidelines:

  • Standard, formal English (no contractions, slang or personal pronouns, etc)
  • When using acronyms, write out the meaning of the initial letters on first reference
  • Wide variety of sources (not just one book/article but at least four, preferably more)
  • Endnotes (not footnotes)
  • References/bibliography

Presentation (30-45 mins)

You may present your research at our Student Showcase which will include some visuals (such as PowerPoint or any other presentation software).

Further Questions

For all submissions, there are plenty of resources available online that you will find extremely helpful. You may choose a Kepler College mentor to help you, subject to the approval of the Director of Education.

Student Showcase

All students in their final year are invited to present at the Student Showcase. While this may be a challenge, it is a good way to launch your career as this is a live webinar and will be posted on YouTube. Astrology conference organizers/magazines are always looking for fresh faces.

*Please note: a new research module is being added for all students who expect to be ready to submit a final paper in 2025

External Courses applied to a Kepler College Diploma Program

Students may petition Kepler College to apply coursework they have completed with another school to Kepler for elective credit. This may include courses in History or Astrology, which are required for the Diploma series. Maximum credits from external coursework allowed is 20 weeks. External coursework must meet the following requirements:

  • A minimum of twenty (20) hours of auditory or live instruction
  • Readings must be assigned and completed
  • Written homework must be assigned and completed
  • The coursework must cover the historical and philosophical underpinnings of the content presented
  • Written evidence of successful course completion along with documentation of regular instructor feedback plus a final evaluation showing that the student’s knowledge of tested material must be made available to Kepler College

Kepler College Organizational Alliances

NCGR-PAA – Professional Astrologers’ Alliance (affiliated with NCGR, National Council for Geocosmic Research)

  • PAA allows KPDA students to take the Level IV professional exam without having to take their earlier exams.


CAPISAR – International Society for Astrological Research

  • Graduates are prepared to write for the exam.


AFA – American Federation of Astrologers (alliance announced at the ISAR conference in August 2022)

     Advanced Membership

  • AFA will grant Advanced Membership status to graduates of a Kepler College certificate program that is equivalent to the advanced exam requirements of the AFA.
  • An AFA membership is required within one year of completing the Kepler College certificate program in order to receive the advanced membership.


     Professional Membership

  • AFA Professional Membership status is equivalent to the Kepler College Diploma Program (KPDA & KAPDA). Membership will be granted once the applicant provides proof of completion of the Kepler College Diploma Program and completes the AFA requirements outlined below (AFA professional exam requirements.)
  • An AFA membership and sitting for a proctored exam that consists of chart calculation within one year after completing the diploma program AFA proctored exam is required.

Chart your Course in Astrology today.