AstroMapping Certificate

This certificate provides a solid grounding in AstroMapping. It covers how mapping the planets across a location has evolved and provides the tools to understand and delineate the AstroMap and Local Space Chart/Compass for personal use or as a tool in your practice.

We live in a modern world where it is common practice to conduct business and move locations around the world. AstroMapping will help you choose the most successful places to live based on your Natal Chart, or if you are living in a difficult location based on your Natal chart – how to make the most of the planetary influences right where you are.

Students will explore the development of AstroMapping and Local Space techniques, the basic astronomical principles involved, and the interactions of mapping with natal and relocated chart interpretation. The student will study the themes connected with planet-angle combos, interpreting potentials in locations, and understanding issues to consider in relocation or home planning.

By the end of this certificate, students will have gained an understanding of techniques developed within the AstroMapping world and how to apply them to the Natal, Transit and Progressed charts.

Pre-requisite: All courses except AstroMapping for the Beginner are all Intermediate level courses. A strong foundational knowledge of astrology and predictive techniques is needed.

All courses at Kepler College are taught in English unless noted otherwise. Proficiency in English is required for all students.

All courses are 5 weeks unless otherwise indicated.

AstroMapping Certificate Requirements  30 weeks :

  • AstroMapping:  AstroMapping for the Beginner (AM100)
  • AstroMapping I: Astro*Carto*Graphy (ACG) – (AM201 10 wks)
  • AstroMapping II: The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Garphy (AM201)
  • AstroMapping III: The Astrology of Local Space/Compass Astrology (AM202)
  • AstroMapping V: Practicum in Mapping (AM300)


Astromapping V: Practicum in Mapping requires live attendance to qualify for academic credit.

Extended AstroMapping Certificate Requirements  40 weeks:

AstroMapping Certificate from above plus any 2 of the following electives.

  • AstroMapping IV: Remedial Measures for Local Space/Compass Astrology (AM203)
  • Geodetics: Mapping the World (AM204)
  • Places the Map Can Take You (Deeper Dive) (AM205)

Faculty: Karen McCauley, Tamira McGillivray, Maya White, Cindy McKean